Thursday, October 10, 2013

Autumn Featured Artist in Mused Literary Magazine

The Autumn Equinox edition of the Mused Literary Magazine is out today and I want to thank Mused for featuring me for their "Artist's Interview", as well as showcasing 5 of my photographs! 

Autumn is a time of beauty and gratitude, of appreciating all nature has presented for us and soaking in the serenity of our world around us. Medieval folk would refer to this simply as "harvest season" - for to them that was the key function of this time of year. 

Artwork explores nature's glory in this harvest season. A sunflower glows with gold and brown. A single drop on a leaf glistens with shimmering color. A skilled banjo player shares his love of music. 

Poetry brings us in further. Sage smoke rises from the center of a labyrinth. Henna and fuchsia leaves delight the eye. The vanilla fragrance of an orchid warms the heart. 

Non-fiction lets us step into another's shoes. A young girl stands up to bullies. A young woman finds her path in life. A daughter struggles with her father's aging. 

Fiction explores the realms of growth. A teen girl balances between childhood and adult issues. An adoptive mother comes to terms with her mix of emotions. 

Photographer Joann Vitali demonstrates to us how beauty is all around us, if we simply take the time to slow down and be aware. A meadow beneath an apple tree, or a window frame onto a wooded back yard - each can present a moment to savor. 

Come savor the moment with us. 

Artist Interview

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